So... Apparently on myspace there is a blog section. And I indeed wrote a few entries back in the day that are pretty entertaining. And they are about food, of course. This girl likes to eat, as my friend BL says I have a hollow leg. So here are a few throwbacks...
August 7, 2009
Flying Fish
First off the trip solo to ....Preston.. ..Center.... was the longest 8 miles of my entire life driving. Seriously 30 MPH?! I swear everyone was going 20 and I caught every red light there and back. Some creepy guy in line asked me if I rode horses and kept touching my back and apologizing his family was taking so long to order etc. I mean really this is TX and people wear boots who aren't freaking cowgirls!!! The food delivery was super fast, lemonade was refreshing considering I had to sit outside that place was PACKED!!! The place was real cute I'll give it that, loved the sign about the kiddo's staying seated at tables otherwise they'd be given espresso and a free puppy LOL Everyone apparently liked my new Firebird t-shirt cause I got a few compliments cool shirt etc. and lots of stares or I guess maybe I had tartar sauce on my face who really knows. The food was good and hot but not the best I’ve had by far. I'll take Joe's Seafood in East Dallas any day over the Flying Fish for good ole' fried catfish. Well that sums up my Flying Fish experience oh and I lost my car in the garage LOL I walked right by it 
January 25, 2006
My Fortune
So, I went to Pei-Wei on McKinney for lunch today and got to thinking about those yummy fortune cookies. How are you supposed to open them anyway for your fortune to come true? Bite it or just break it open? My husband and I always add in bed to the end of our fortunes to add a little fun to it ;) My fortunes for the day are and yes I had 3!!!
You can't ride in all directions at one time. IN BED
You would be wise not to seek too much from others at this time. IN BED
Tomorrow may be too late to enjoy what you can today. IN BED
I hope you got that last one B-rad seconds thoughts on your trip huh what?!
Today is my son Leighton's birthday, he's nine today. I remembered a note on myspace on his 3rd birthday I wrote years ago, yeah that's right myspace. So I logged in to take a look and here it is, enjoy.
3 years ago today my son Leighton was born...
He was so very eager to meet us my due date wasn't until February 23rd but he showed up 5 weeks early. The night of my baby shower at The Upham's in Forney just in time huh!!! Labor was very hard and scary but we made it... He was born at 7lbs. 12oz a big boy thank goodness he didn't bake any longer might have been an 11 pounder. He had a very rough start from the beginning in the NICU with his breathing but now he is a genius baby and you'd never know it. I swear he has mitts of a 6 year old :)
Leighton is growing up to be such a little man and is very independent. Such the little strong willed Capricorn i.e. BRAT. He does the funniest things that little boys all do like pick their noses and won't leave his worm alone. Very good with sound effects like his Daddy he makes this hilarious pig noise in his throat I love it!!! Picks on his poor baby sister Natalie all the time. Seems like he never eats only snacks and drinks chocolate milk. Lately he has turned into the little parrot repeating every naughty word that flys out of my mouth and I can't help but laugh he has no idea...
He loves pancakes, cheese pizza and yellow is his favorite color. Loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Jingle Bells and O' Christmas Tree. Every time we get in the car he asks what street we are on and where we are going. He knows all the major routes to the people he loves most; he can tell me on the drop of a hat if we are going the wrong way. I am so very lucky to have such a wonderful son!!! Thank you GOD!!! I love him so very much and wanted to start my first blog to wish him a Happy Birthday ;)
I once read a card that said being a mom is like wearing your heart on your sleeve it is so very true!!! And that book Mrs. Mays read us in High School Love you Forever still makes me cry every time I read it to my baby Leighton. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always as long as I'm living my baby you'll be. Okay gimme some Kleenex :)
3rd Grade |
Not a lot has changed he still picks on his sister, loves pancakes and pizza! I really am proud to be his mother. He is the smartest most sensitive and funny 9 year old I know and I love him dearly. Today makes me a little sad knowing he is getting older and will need me less and less as he grows up.